Sunday, April 12, 2009

Amazon Strips Gay and Lesbian Books From Sales Ranking made a very strange decision over the Easter holiday weekend.

The stripped many books of sales rankings making them impossible to find through the website's search engine.

Would you believe titles such as "Lady Chatterly's Lover", "Brokeback Mountain" and "Bastard Out of California" were tagged as being "adult" and removed from search rankings.

It seemed that mostly gay themed books got the push but some “Straight” books that were more explicit but not labeled “erotica” got to stay.

An Amazon spokesman said the de-rankings of an untold number of gay and lesbian titles are due to a “glitch” that’s “being fixed.”

It's very difficult to accept that Amazon would allow a "glitch" to find it's way onto its servers. This action would have needed to be discussed and approved before it happened.

Many of the titles that were affected have now been restored but the sales rank, which Amazon tells customers is “a good indicator of how well a product is selling overall,” has still disappeared from a host of gay, lesbian and erotic titles over the past few days which means the books no longer show up in bestseller lists or in listings by rank.

And the hypocricy of this action comes into play when you can buy sex toys on Amazon and they're telling us what books we can and cannot read?

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